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Completed December 2020

Face coverings are an essential prevention method to stop the spread of COVID-19.

Around the world, fines have been introduced for non-compliance and in some places, schools require children to wear masks in order to attend.

Access to safe and appropriate masks is not easy for everyone

Some people living in rural, under-developed areas cannot afford basic sanitation, let alone face masks. For them, food for the family is the most important aspect of their tight financial budgets.

These people are often seen scouring piles of rubbish to find used face masks or materials, like plastic, to make their own. Clearly, this brings its own health risks. 


Falling behind in their education can lead to significant longterm consequences for children across the world. We want to help children remain in school during this pandemic, but also to be safe 

We are partnering with a rural school in Malawi to teach
700 children
how to make cotton reusable face masks. 

Recently, most children at this school have been staying at home because they don’t have a mask. Our project will be community-led to enhance the empowerment the local community feels in owning the process.

  1. Our on-the-ground contractor will train ten teachers and ten mothers how to make the masks.
  2. Together, they will train the children in small groups. Each child will leave the session with a cotton face mask and the knowledge of how to keep it clean, as well as how to make more.
  3. We will teach them where to get cheap materials and give them a guide so that they can remember the steps.
  4. Our ask to them will be to go on and teach five others. In this way, we hope that the community can work together to create better access to safe masks.

£2 will teach a child in malawi to make a reusable face mask

2021 Update:

Given the ongoing impact of COVID-19, Avasara will continue to support and empower the local community in Malawi in their efforts to combat the spread of coronavirus.

After teaching 700 students to make their own reusable face masks in late 2020, we decided to continue this project.

In order to comply with local restrictions on gatherings of groups of people, we will distribute  a further

800 face masks

to a secondary school, as well as 350 to people in the local village. 

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